• Social security for Italians hired by foreign companies

    Italian employees hired by foreign companies with a local contract must carefully evaluate the social security obligations which vary according to the country where the employee is hired. In such circumstances, a distinction must be made between: EU countries, countries adopting EU legislation via specific agreements with the European Union countries with which Italy has entered into full Totalization Agreements: the employee is required to pay contributions in the host country as per the local…

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  • Social security position in Italy for foreign companies

    The social security position in Italy for inbound employees is becoming more important for multinational companies. In fact, the presence of a Totalization Agreement with Italy may risult in keeping the contribution of the employee in the country of origin, with an obligation for the foreign company to pay social security in Italy or minor contributions. In both cases, it is necessary to open a social security position in Italy in the name and on…

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  • Cryptocurrencies under the spotlight of tax authorities

    Whether they are considered investments or means of payment, cryptocurrencies are increasingly attracting the attention of stakeholders. In brief, cryptocurrencies are under the spotlight. These assets do not yet have a tax framework in Italy, although the Italian Tax Authority already provided some clarifications regarding direct and indirect taxation in specific Rulings. In particular, with regard to personal income tax, withdrawals of cryptocurrencies from deposits whose average balance exceeds Euro 51,645.69 threshold for more than…

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  • Special tax regimes in Italy for individuals

    Italy has been a country aimed at attracting talents in various sectors and special tax regimes are available to individuals, representing a strong motivation for moving to our Country: impatriate workers: allows 70% tax reduction (or 90% for those moving to the South of Italy) for the benefit of employees and consultants with a VAT number. This regime lasts 5 years plus additional 5 in case the individual meets the requirements for the extension researchers:…

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  • Euro 100.000 flat tax available to HNWI only without Anagrafe registration in the previous 9 years

    Article 24-bis of the Italian tax code (Tuir) allows individuals with large estates (so-called High Net Worth Individuals) who transfer their residence to Italy, to access the flat tax regime of 100,000 Euro, with an exemption from the tax monitoring obligations (FormRW) and from payment of IVIE / IVAFE (estate taxes on assets held outside of Italy), as well as an exemption from inheritance & gift tax. A condition required in order to access the…

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Studio Tributario Associato – Battaglia Cesari Zangrillo
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CAP: 00198 – Roma
Email: info@studiobcz.it
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